Kartikey Kansal
Undergraduate Student, Biotechnology, IIT Roorkee, India
Email: kartikey_k@bt.iitr.ac.in
Kartikey is an undergraduate student in the Department of Biotechnology at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.
His current research interests focuses on combining the areas of Machine Learning and Synthetic Biology.
Kartikey is also a member of the iGEM IIT Roorkee team where he worked on engineering pyocins and created a fusion protein of pyocins and bacteriophages to target MDR-resistant infections. iGEM Competition played a key role in getting him interested in Synthetic Biology and realising the true potential of this field.
Kartikey is currently collaborating with LeoRios Lab for a Review Paper on “Automation for Synthetic Biology” where he focuses on “Bioelectronic capabilities in Automation”.
Kartikey wishes to pursue a PhD in future with focus on Synthetic Biology.
Sophomore, Bachelor of Technology, Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Swimming, Tennis, Piano, Reading, Travelling
Gold Medal, iGEM 2020
Current Projects
Collaboration with LeoRios Lab, for a Review Paper on “Automation for Synthetic Biology”