Synthetic biology offer potential for large-scale and sustainable production of novel highly valued products and an alternative way of producing chemicals in higher quantities. Our group is interested in engineering microbial cell factories for production of highly valued products, such as pharmaceuticals, biopolymers and commodity chemicals. We focus on applying synthetic biology tools and engineering metabolic pathways in conventional and non-conventional microbial hosts such as S. cerevisiae, Y. lipolytica, E. coli, C. glutamicum and P. aeruginosa.
In particular, we are interested in utilizing new synthetic biology tools that allows us to efficiently and effectively manipulate and optimize stable synthetic pathways. We aim to combine advanced tools in fields such as proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and kinetic modelling for efficient strain improvements. We also try to harness the potential of bioprocessing tools such as microscale automated instrumentation for efficient multiplexing. The engineering techniques we utilized also facilitates downstream processing of desired products.
- Pharmaceuticals and drug discovery
- Biopolymers and material
- Natural products
- Cosmetic and personal care products